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Unit 6 - Linear Equations and Graphing


Chapter 6.1 - Solving Equations Using Modeling 


  • I can model and solve linear equations using balance-scales models and algebra tiles.

  • I can draw pictures of the steps I took with the models to solve the equations.

  • I can verify the solutions using substitution and the models.  

Curriculum: The instructions and activities follow the outcomes from the Nova Scotia Grade 8 Curriculum for Linear Equations. For more information visit:

This website will help you guide your child to begin understanding linear equations. It includes a introductory lesson to the topic, building upon their knowledge from Grade 7. Resources have been provided if you would like to create your own algebra tiles or use them online. 

Helping Your Child Succeed:

  • Visit the Resources page to learn how to create your own algebra tiles or use an online option.

  • If your child is having difficulty, consider the following:

    • Have your child use the list of steps in the PowerPoint to remind them what to do next. Print or write out the steps if it might help.

    • Work on becoming confident with simpler problems first before moving on to more difficult problems (that use negatives, flip the equation around or word problems). 

    • Word problems can be difficult for students. It can help to use a highlighter and/or makes notes on the important parts.


Using the Textbook: Unit 6: Linear Equations and Graphing of the Math Makes Sense 8 textbook (Pearson, 2008). 

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